10 til Marz
The 18 Wheelers (The Wheeler School)
7 Days (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
7th Element
Academical Village People (University of Virginia)
Academy (University of Bristol)
The AcaLounge
The Acaphiliacs (Florida State University)
A Cappella Angels
The A Cappella Group (Cypress Lake High School)
A Cappella Records
Acappella Union
Acappology (North Carolina State University)
The Accidentals (College of William & Mary)
The Accidentals (University of Georgia)
The Achordants (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The Adelines (Waterville High School)
After Dark (Washington University in St. Louis)
After Eight (Cornell University)
After Hours (University of Rochester)
After Hours
Akafist - The Russian Male Chamber Choir
Alabaster Blue (University of New Hampshire)
Allegrettos (Boston University)
The AllNighters (Johns Hopkins University)
All-Night Yahtzee (Florida State University)
The Amalgamates (Tufts University)
Amanda Ong
The Amateurs (Washington University in St. Louis)
Amazin' Blue (University of Michigan)
The Ambassadors of Harmony
Anokha (University of Maryland)
Anonymous 4
Another Round (Indiana University)
Antioch Chamber Ensemble
APC Rhythm (New York University)
Apes & Babes
The Apex Project
Apotheosis (Texas A&M University)
Armand Hutton
Artists in Resonance (University of California, Berkeley)
As a Mix
Ascending Height
Asli Baat (University of Southern California)
Astha A Cappella (Saint Louis University)
Aural Pleasure (Emory University)
Awaken A Cappella (University of California, Los Angeles)
The Back Row (Colorado College)
Ball in the House
Banana Boat
Bare Naked Statues (Saint Louis University)
Bathtub Dogs (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
BC Sharps (Boston College)
Bear Necessities (Brown University)
The Beartones (Missouri State University)
The Beelzebubs (Tufts University)
Bella Voce' (New Manchester High School)
Beyond From Within
BFOM (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Big Bing Theory (Gonzaga University)
The Binghamton Crosbys (Binghamton University, SUNY)
The Bison Chips (Bucknell University)
Black to Gold
The Blenders
Blind Man's Bluff
Blue Cheese (Brigham Young University)
Blue Jupiter
Blue Lights (Colby College)
The Blue Notes (Wellesley College)
The BluesTones (James Madison University)
The Bobs
Bonner Jazzchor
Boston College Acoustics (Boston College)
Boston College Dynamics (Boston College)
The Boston Common
The Bostonians (Boston College)
Brandeis VoiceMale (Brandeis University)
Breath of Soul
Briarcrest OneVoice
Brick City Singers (Rochester Institute of Technology)
The Bristol Suspensions (University of Bristol)
Brown Derbies (Brown University)
Brown'sTones (Brown University)
Brown Sugar (Northwestern University)
Bruce Lev & Armand Hutton
Bruin Harmony (University of California, Los Angeles)
Bucks County Motet Singers
The Buffalo Chips (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
The Bufftones/Double Treble
Business Casual
BYU A Cappella Club (Brigham Young University)
Cadence (Occidental College)
Cadence (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Cadenza (The University of Chicago)
Caltech Fluid Dynamics (California Institute of Technology)
Cantus Angelicus Choral Society
Cape Harmony
Capital Blend
The Capital Hearings
Cappella Gloriana
Carol Ponder
Cartoon Johnny
Case in Point (Case Western Reserve University)
Casual Harmony
CatCall A Cappella
Chai-Town (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Chapter 6
Chattertocks (Brown University)
Chicago a cappella
Chicago A Cappella
Chi Rho (Wake Forest University)
Choeur du Roi (University of Richmond)
The Chorallaries of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Choral Pleasure (Purchase College, SUNY)
The Chordials (Cornell University)
Chord On Blues (University of Pennsylvania)
The Chromatics
Claes Dorthé
Clarence (Magic Drumsticks) Steele
The Class Notes (Cornell University)
Clearly Vocal
Clefhangers (Columbia University)
Clef Hangers (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The Coats
The Cocktails (University of South Carolina)
Coco's Lunch
The Coda Conduct (Pennsylvania State University)
Cognitive Resonance
The Colgate Resolutions (Colgate University)
Company B (Brandeis University)
A Completely Different Note (University of Connecticut)
A Completely Different Note (University of Connecticut)
Compulsive Lyres (University of Michigan)
Concordia Choir
The Conn Artists
Conn-Men (University of Connecticut)
Corey Slutsky
Counterparts (University of Pennsylvania)
The Crescendudes (University of Central Florida)
The Crossing
CU Buffoons (University of Colorado)
The Current
DaCadence (University of Maryland)
The Dachays
Dare To Breathe
Dartmouth Aires (Dartmouth College)
The Dartmouth Brovertones (Dartmouth College)
Dartmouth Cords (Dartmouth College)
Dartmouth Decibelles (Dartmouth College)
The Dartmouth Rockapellas (Dartmouth College)
The Dartmouth Subtleties (Dartmouth College)
David Fowler
David H. Levin
The Davidson Generals
The Dear Abbeys (Boston University)
DeCadence (University of California, Berkeley)
Deep Treble (Rutgers University)
Deja Blue (Duke University)
Detroit Voice (Clarkston High School)
Dhamakapella (Case Western Reserve University)
Dhunki A Cappella (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Dicks & Janes (University of Michigan)
Die Vielharmoniker
Dischord (University of Pennsylvania)
Distilled Harmony (Northeastern University)
Divisi (Central Connecticut State University)
Divisi (University of Oregon)
DJ Nati
Dois no Duo
Domino vocal group
The Doo-Wop Shop
Doox of Yale (Yale University)
The Douglas Frank Chorale
Down 4 The Count
Drums of War
Dulcet (Southern Oregon University)
The Dynamics (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
The Earth Tones (University at Albany, SUNY)
Eight Beat Measure (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Eleventh Hour (Kettering Fairmont High School)
Encore (Ensworth School)
Ensemble 101
Enter the Flow
Eric Chung
Essence (Tufts University)
Euphonik A Cappella (Miami University)
The Euphorics
Everyday People (Stanford University)
The Exboyfriends
Exit 245 (James Madison University)
Extreme Measures (Northwestern University)
Extreme Measures (University of Connecticut)
Faith in Action
Faux Paz (University of Maryland)
Fermata Town
Fifth Element (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire)
Final Measure (University of Houston)
The Finding Connection Singers
The Firemen
Five Live
Five O'Clock Shadow
Fleet Street Singers (Stanford University)
FLOW (Musikschule der Stadt Aachen)
Flying Pickets
Fool Moon
For Good Measure
Forte (Centerville High School)
Four His Glory
Four Shadow
Fourth Avenue
Freshman Fifteen (Northwestern University)
Friedemann & Friends
From the Edge
Fundamentally Sound (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Fundamentally Sound and Pitches & Notes (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
The GelCaps
Gemini Blvd. (University of Central Florida)
The Generics (University of Maryland)
The Gentlemen of the College (The College of William & Mary)
Germantown Friends School A Cappella (Germantown Friends School)
Gestalt (University of Florida)
The Ghost Files
The G-Men (University of Michigan)
Graftonics (Grafton High School)
Grains of Time (North Carolina State University)
Great Northern Union Chorus
Green Envy (Tulane University)
Greenleafs (Washington University in St. Louis)
Gregorian Chant Schola of St. Meinrad Archabbey
Groove Society
Group 7
GW Troubadours (The George Washington University)
The Hangovers (Cornell University)
Hansel Romero
Harmonettes (University of Michigan)
Harmonic Combustion (Susquehanna University)
Harmonic Motion (Brown University)
The Harmonics (Stanford University)
Harriet Fraser
Harvard Callbacks (Harvard University)
The Harvard Din & Tonics (Harvard University)
Harvard LowKeys (Harvard University)
The Harvard Opportunes (Harvard University)
Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones (Harvard University)
Hearsay A Cappella (Cornell University)
He Said, She Said
The Hexachords (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Higher Keys (Brown University)
Highlands Voices
High Street A Cappella
Home Free
Hoos In Treble (University of Virginia)
Hortus M. Singers
The House Jacks
The Hullabahoos (University of Virginia)
The Humbuckers
The Hyannis Sound
The Idea of North
Ignite Vocal
The Illinois Rip Chords (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Indiana University's Another Round (Indiana University)
In Full Colour (University of Waterloo)
The Innocent Men (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire)
Inside Voices
Integration by Parts
In The Buff (University of Colorado)
In The Pink (Oxford University)
InToneNation (Montgomery Blair High School)
The Inversions (Cedarville University)
Invisible Men
The Irrationals
Ithacappella (Ithaca College)
Jabberwocks (Brown University)
Jackson Jills (Tufts University)
Jackson Millar
Jackson Slimane
Jazzchor Freiburg
Jeff Flaster
Jeffrey Derus
Jerry Lawson & Talk of The Town
Jersey Transit
The Jewel Tones
John K. Brown
Johnnie Blend
Joker's Wild
Jordana Talsky
Joshua Bredemeier
Jukebox Logic
June Caravel
Juxtaposition (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Kalamazoo Barbershop Chorus & Quartets
Kaskeset (Binghamton University, SUNY)
KC A Cappella
The Key Elements (Cornell University)
KeyHarmony (University of Central Florida)
KeyStone A Cappella
Kingsmen (Columbia University)
The Kinsey Sicks
Kol Echad (Boston University)
Kol Ish
Kol Sasson (University of Maryland)
Kühn Choir of Prague
Ladies In Red (North Carolina State University)
Lady Blue (Duke University)
Lady Jaye
Last Call (Cornell University)
Liberty Voices
License to Trill (Texas Christian University)
Lilli Lewis
The Limestones
Limited Edition (Port Washington High School)
Little Big Men
Logarhythms (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lone Star Sound
The Loreleis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Lorenzo Subrizi
The Lost Keys
Low Key (James Madison University)
Lumen Valo
The Maccabeats
MadHatters (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Madhatters & Tangled Up In Blue (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
The Madison Project (James Madison University)
maennerquartett schnittpunktvokal & Kvartet Vita
The Magic Touch
The Magnets
Main Squeeze (Syracuse University)
Maize Mirchi (University of Michigan)
Manginah (Brandeis University)
Marcoux Corner
Martin Carbow
Mary Schmary
Mass Transit (New York University)
maxxcupid (University of Richmond)
Medusa (University of Chicago)
Melica (Elizabethtown College)
The Melismatics (Lehigh University)
The Mello Divas (Berkeley Preparatory School)
Melodious Thunk (Northwestern University)
Men In Black
Mezzo Macho
Michigan Jake
The Midnight Ramblers (University of Rochester)
Mighty Echoes
Mighty Prince Singers
Mike Why
Mile 21 a cappella (University of Colorado)
Mind the Gap (University of Oregon)
Minor Variation (Wake Forest University)
MIT Muses (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
The MIT/Wellesley Toons (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MIX (University of Colorado)
Mixed Company (Stanford University)
Mixed Company (Yale University)
Moira Smiley
A Moments Pleasure
Moon Sessions
Mosaic Whispers (Washington University in St. Louis)
The Moscow State University Academic Choir
Naked Voices (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Naturally 7
Naturally Sharp (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Naughty Scotty and the Octapella & Take 7
Navi Redd
Navona Records
Neri Per Caso
The New Blue (Yale University)
The New Dominions (University of Virginia)
The Newport Pearls (Christopher Newport University)
New Recording 47
Nina Pelligra
N'Namdi Bryant (The A Cappellian)
No Better Cause
No Limit
None Of The Above (NOTA) (Pennsylvania State University)
Nonsequitur (Columbia University)
The Nor'easters (Northeastern University)
Northern Lights (Durham University)
The Northern Lights
Northern Lights (Plymouth North High School)
No Southern Accent (University of Florida)
No Strings A Cappella
No Strings Attached (Burbank High School)
No Strings Attached (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
No Strings Attached
Note-Oriety (James Madison University)
Note to Self (Binghamton University)
Not From Concentrate
Nothin' but Treble (Georgia Institute of Technology)
The Notochords (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Not Too Sharp (University of New Hampshire)
Now & Then
The Nylons
The Octāves (University of Richmond)
Octopodes (Johns Hopkins University)
Off The Beat (University of Pennsylvania)
Ois Voice
On a Sensual Note (American University)
One Note Stand (University of Texas at Austin)
Onoscatopoeia (University of Toronto)
On Tap (Lehigh University)
On The Rocks (University of Oregon)
The O'Pears (Humber College)
Opus Jam
Orange Appeal (Syracuse University)
The OrphanSporks (Rutgers University)
Otto Tunes (Syracuse University)
Out of the Blue (Duke University)
Out of the Blue (Oxford University)
Out of the Blue (Yale University)
Out of the Dawg House (Butler University)
Outspoken (Oregon State University)
The Overtones (James Madison University)
The Ozarks
PandemoniUM (University of Maryland)
The Pennchants (University of Pennsylvania)
The Pennharmonics (Pennsylvania State University)
Penn Masala (University of Pennsylvania)
Pennsylvania Six-5000 (University of Pennsylvania)
Penny Loafers (University of Pennsylvania)
PennYo (University of Pennsylvania)
Perły i Łotry (Pearls and Rascals)
The Persuasions
Peter Hollens
Phalanx (Elizabethtown College)
Pieces of 8
Pipeline Vocal Project
Pitches & Notes (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
The Pitchforks (Duke University)
Pitch, Please (Temple University)
Pitch, Please! A Cappella (University of California, Los Angeles)
Plead the Fifth (Wake Forest University)
The Potsdam Pitches
The Princeton Footnotes (Princeton University)
The Princeton Singers
The Princeton University Wildcats (Princeton University)
Pros & Cons
Psalm 100 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Purple Haze (Northwestern University)
Quaker Notes (University of Pennsylvania)
Rak Shalom (University of Maryland)
The Ramifications (Suffolk University)
Random Association
Random Chants
Random Voices (University of California, Los Angeles)
Ransom Notes (University of Chicago)
The Ransom Notes (University of Texas at Austin)
Ray Jozwiak
The Real Six.Pack
Rebel Bit
Rebirth 7 (None)
Redefined (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Remedy (Argyle High School)
Resonance (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Reverse Osmosis (University of Southern California)
Rhythm & Blue (Duke University)
The Rhythm Method (Binghamton University, SUNY)
The Rice Philharmonics
Richard Steighner
Riltons vänner
Rock N' Rhythm
'Round Midnight
The Royal 8
Run for Cover (University of Chicago)
The Rusty Pipes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Sanchit Malhotra
Sapphires (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
S#arp Attitude (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Saturday Evening Post Quartet
Scape Effect
ScatterTones (University of California, Los Angeles)
Schrödinger's Cat
Scollay Square Quartet
The Scopes (Imperial College London)
Scott & Ryceejo
Sebastian Durfee
Semi-Toned (University of Exeter)
S-Factor (Tufts University)
The Shabbatones (University of Pennsylvania)
Shades (Yale University)
Shades of Blue A Cappella (Bradley High School)
The Shaggy Boys (Iowa State University)
Shigeru Umebayashi
Shir Appeal (Tufts University)
ShireiNU (Northwestern University)
ShockWave (Rutgers University)
Signature A Cappella (University of California, Los Angeles)
The Sil'hooettes (University of Virginia)
Similar Jones
The Simmons Sirens (Simmons University)
Simply Put
The Sirens (University of Richmond)
The Sirens (University of Southern California)
The Sirens
Six Appeal
Sixth Wave
Skyline Blues
Smithereens (Smith College)
SMU Voix (Singapore Management University)
SoCal VoCals (University of Southern California)
The Society of Orpheus and Bacchus (Yale University)
The Sons of Pitches
Sons of the Day
Sönghópurinn Sólarmegin
Sound Off A Cappella
Sounds of Pleasure (University of Pittsburgh)
South Creek Revival
Speak of the Devil (Duke University)
Spur of the Moment (Brandeis University)
Stanford Counterpoint (Stanford University)
The Stanford Mendicants (Stanford University)
Stanford Raagapella (Stanford University)
Starving Artists (Brandeis University)
The Statesmen (Pennsylvania State University)
The Stereotypes (Washington University in St. Louis)
Stony Brook High C's
Straight No Chaser
Strange Voices
Street Corner Symphony
Stuck In the Middle (SIM) (Middlebury College)
Sulthan Ahmed
Sunday Afternoon
SURE Singers
Swaram A Cappella (Texas A&M University)
Sweet Honey in the Rock
Sweet Signatures (Elon University)
The Swingle Singers
Sympathetic Vibrations (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Take 6
Take 7 (Winter Park High School)
TakeNote (Clemson University)
Take Note Acapella
Talisman (Stanford University)
Talk To The Hand
Tangled Up In Blue (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
Tar Heel Voices (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The Tarpeggios (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Tat Tong
The Techtonics (Imperial College London)
Terpsichore (Boston University)
Terry Blade
Testimony (Stanford University)
THEM (Tulane University)
Three 5 and 6
Three Men and a Tenor
Tigeroar (Clemson University)
The Tigertones (Princeton University)
Tino Spieß Vocal Producktions
Tizmoret (Queens College)
T Minus 5
The Toccatatones (High Point University)
Tombstone Wasteland
The Tone Rangers
Tone Up (University of Edinburgh)
Tonic Sol-Fa
The Touchtones (Cornell University)
Town Criers
Towson Untitled (Towson University)
Track IX
Trebellious (University of Rochester)
Treblemakers (Northwestern University)
Treblemakers (University of Maryland)
TR Griffin
Troy State University Stallmen (Troy University)
Troy Tones (University of Southern California)
Tufts Anchord (Tufts University)
Tufts sQ! (Tufts University)
The Tupelos (Wellesley College)
Tuxedo Junction
Twisted Measure (Elon University)
UGA Noteworthy (University of Georgia)
The Unaccompanied Minors (University of Waterloo)
Unaccompanied Women (University of Chicago)
The UNCG Spartones (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Underground Sound (University of Puget Sound)
The Undertones (Northwestern University)
UNIQUE Acappella Vocal Ensemble
Unsung Heroes
Upper Room A Cappella (Spring Hill College)
Upper Structure (Berklee College of Music)
Up the Octave (Brandeis University)
Uptown Vocal (Columbia University)
Urban Voices
Ursa Minors (Brown University)
The UVM Top Cats
The Vanderbilt Melodores (Vanderbilt University)
Various Artists
The Vassar Devils (Vassar College)
The Virginia Belles (University of Virginia)
The Virginia Gentlemen (University of Virginia)
Viridescent (University of Vermont)
Vital Signs (Elon University)
The Vocaholics (New York University)
Vocal Accent (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Vocal Brand
Vocal Chaos
Vocal Group SONO
Vocalign (Elizabethtown College)
Vocal Point (Brigham Young University)
Vocal Point (University of Delaware)
Vocal Point (University of Rochester)
Vocal Six
The Vocal Suspects (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Vocollision (New York University)
Voicebox (University of Central Florida)
VoiceLine (Utah Valley University)
VoiceMale (Brandeis University)
Voice Male
Voice Of Praise
Voices (Moses Brown School)
Voices in Your Head (University of Chicago)
Voices of Gotham
Voices Only
Voices On The Dark Side
Voice Trek
Vokalt Selskap
Vote For Pedro
Vox 11
Vox One
Vox Pop
The Water Boys (University of Waterloo)
Western Wind Vocal Ensemble
West Side 5
Who's Your Daddy!
WHS Octets (Winchester High School)
Wibi (York University)
The Wicked Pitches
The Williams Ephlats (Williams College)
Wolfgang (North Carolina State University)
X-Changed (David Lipscomb University)
X-Factors (Northwestern University)
XIV Hours (Durham Academy)
Xtension Chords (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
The Yale Spizzwinks(?) (Yale University)
The YChromes (University of Delaware)
YellowJackets (University of Rochester)
Y-Studs A Cappella
Yumiko Matsuoka
Zulal Armenian A Cappella Trio
The Zumbyes
--------- --------- 10 til Marz The 18 Wheelers (The Wheeler School) 20/20 2PRAISE 4:2:Five 4VR 5-Alone 7 Days (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) 7th Element Academical Village People (University of Virginia) Academy (University of Bristol) The AcaLounge The Acaphiliacs (Florida State University) Acappella A Cappella Angels The A Cappella Group (Cypress Lake High School) ACappellaPsych A Cappella Records Acappella Union Acappology (North Carolina State University) Accent The Accidentals (College of William & Mary) The Accidentals (University of Georgia) The Achordants (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Acoustix Ac-Rock The Adelines (Waterville High School) After Dark (Washington University in St. Louis) After Eight (Cornell University) After Hours (University of Rochester) After Hours AHQ Akafist - The Russian Male Chamber Choir AKSARA Alabaster Blue (University of New Hampshire) Alexx Allegrettos (Boston University) The AllNighters (Johns Hopkins University) All-Night Yahtzee (Florida State University) The Amalgamates (Tufts University) Amanda Ong amarcord The Amateurs (Washington University in St. Louis) Amazin' Blue (University of Michigan) The Ambassadors of Harmony Anokha (University of Maryland) Anonymous 4 Another Round (Indiana University) Antioch Chamber Ensemble AORA APC Rhythm (New York University) Apes & Babes The Apex Project Apotheosis (Texas A&M University) Ardú Armand Hutton Artists in Resonance (University of California, Berkeley) As a Mix Ascending Height Asli Baat (University of Southern California) Astha A Cappella (Saint Louis University) Aural Pleasure (Emory University) Avante Awaken A Cappella (University of California, Los Angeles) The Back Row (Colorado College) baff! Ball in the House Banana Boat Barbercue Bare Naked Statues (Saint Louis University) Basix Bathtub Dogs (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) BC Sharps (Boston College) Bear Necessities (Brown University) The Beartones (Missouri State University) The Beelzebubs (Tufts University) Bella Voce' (New Manchester High School) Beyond From Within BFOM (University of California, Santa Barbara) Big Bing Theory (Gonzaga University) The Binghamton Crosbys (Binghamton University, SUNY) The Bison Chips (Bucknell University) Black to Gold The Blenders Blind Man's Bluff Blue Cheese (Brigham Young University) Blue Jupiter Blue Lights (Colby College) The Blue Notes (Wellesley College) The BluesTones (James Madison University) B'n'T The Bobs Bonner Jazzchor Boston College Acoustics (Boston College) Boston College Dynamics (Boston College) The Boston Common The Bostonians (Boston College) Boyyys BR6 Brandeis VoiceMale (Brandeis University) Breath of Soul Briarcrest OneVoice Brick City Singers (Rochester Institute of Technology) The Bristol Suspensions (University of Bristol) Brown Derbies (Brown University) Brown'sTones (Brown University) Brown Sugar (Northwestern University) Bruce Lev & Armand Hutton Bruin Harmony (University of California, Los Angeles) Bucks County Motet Singers The Buffalo Chips (University at Buffalo, SUNY) The Bufftones/Double Treble Business Casual BYU A Cappella Club (Brigham Young University) Cadence (Occidental College) Cadence (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Cadence Cadenza (The University of Chicago) Caltech Fluid Dynamics (California Institute of Technology) Cantus Angelicus Choral Society Cape Harmony Capital Blend The Capital Hearings Cappella Gloriana Carol Ponder Cartoon Johnny CASA Case in Point (Case Western Reserve University) Casual Harmony CatCall A Cappella Cecilia Chai-Town (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Chanteuse Chapter 6 Chattertocks (Brown University) Chicago a cappella Chicago A Cappella Chi Rho (Wake Forest University) Choeur du Roi (University of Richmond) The Chorallaries of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Choral Pleasure (Purchase College, SUNY) The Chordials (Cornell University) Chord On Blues (University of Pennsylvania) The Chromatics Claes Dorthé Clarence (Magic Drumsticks) Steele The Class Notes (Cornell University) Clearly Vocal Clefhangers (Columbia University) Clef Hangers (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Clockwork The Coats The Cocktails (University of South Carolina) Coco's Lunch The Coda Conduct (Pennsylvania State University) Cognitive Resonance The Colgate Resolutions (Colgate University) CollegeDesis Colourblind Company B (Brandeis University) A Completely Different Note (University of Connecticut) A Completely Different Note (University of Connecticut) Compulsive Lyres (University of Michigan) Concordia Choir The Conn Artists CONNECT Conn-Men (University of Connecticut) Corey Slutsky Cosmos Countermeasure Counterparts (University of Pennsylvania) The Crescendudes (University of Central Florida) The Crossing CU Buffoons (University of Colorado) The Current DaCadence (University of Maryland) The Dachays Dare To Breathe Dartmouth Aires (Dartmouth College) The Dartmouth Brovertones (Dartmouth College) Dartmouth Cords (Dartmouth College) Dartmouth Decibelles (Dartmouth College) The Dartmouth Rockapellas (Dartmouth College) The Dartmouth Subtleties (Dartmouth College) David Fowler David H. Levin The Davidson Generals The Dear Abbeys (Boston University) DeCadence (University of California, Berkeley) Deep Treble (Rutgers University) Deja Blue (Duke University) DeltaCappella Detroit Voice (Clarkston High School) Dhamakapella (Case Western Reserve University) Dhunki A Cappella (The University of Texas at Dallas) Dicks & Janes (University of Michigan) Die Vielharmoniker Dilemma Dischord (University of Pennsylvania) Distilled Harmony (Northeastern University) Divisi (Central Connecticut State University) Divisi (University of Oregon) DJ Nati Dois no Duo Domino vocal group The Doo-Wop Shop Doox of Yale (Yale University) The Douglas Frank Chorale Down 4 The Count Drums of War Dulcet (Southern Oregon University) Duwende The Dynamics (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) The Earth Tones (University at Albany, SUNY) Eclipse The EDLOS Eight Beat Measure (Rochester Institute of Technology) Eleventh Hour (Kettering Fairmont High School) Encore (Ensworth School) Ensemble 101 Enter the Flow Eric Chung Essence (Tufts University) Euphonik A Cappella (Miami University) Euphonism The Euphorics Everyday People (Stanford University) The Exboyfriends Exit 245 (James Madison University) Extempo Extreme Measures (Northwestern University) Extreme Measures (University of Connecticut) eXuvia Face Faith in Action Faux Paz (University of Maryland) Fermata Town Fifth Element (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire) Final Measure (University of Houston) The Finding Connection Singers Firedrill! The Firemen Five Live Five O'Clock Shadow Fleet Street Singers (Stanford University) Fleur-de-Lisa FLOW (Musikschule der Stadt Aachen) Flying Pickets Fool Moon For Good Measure Forte (Centerville High School) Four His Glory Four Shadow Fourth Avenue FreePlay Freshman Fifteen (Northwestern University) Fretless Friedemann & Friends From the Edge Fundamentally Sound (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Fundamentally Sound and Pitches & Notes (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Gabbahey The GelCaps Gemini Blvd. (University of Central Florida) The Generics (University of Maryland) The Gentlemen of the College (The College of William & Mary) Germantown Friends School A Cappella (Germantown Friends School) Gestalt (University of Florida) The Ghost Files GLAD The G-Men (University of Michigan) Graftonics (Grafton High School) Grains of Time (North Carolina State University) Great Northern Union Chorus Green Envy (Tulane University) Greenleafs (Washington University in St. Louis) Gregorian Chant Schola of St. Meinrad Archabbey Groove Society Group 7 GW Troubadours (The George Washington University) Halogen The Hangovers (Cornell University) Hansel Romero Harmonettes (University of Michigan) Harmonic Combustion (Susquehanna University) Harmonic Motion (Brown University) The Harmonics (Stanford University) Harmonytryx Harriet Fraser Harvard Callbacks (Harvard University) The Harvard Din & Tonics (Harvard University) Harvard LowKeys (Harvard University) The Harvard Opportunes (Harvard University) Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones (Harvard University) Hearsay A Cappella (Cornell University) He Said, She Said The Hexachords (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Higher Keys (Brown University) HIGH FIVE Highlands Voices High Street A Cappella Home Free Hookslide Hoos In Treble (University of Virginia) Hortus M. Singers The House Jacks The Hullabahoos (University of Virginia) The Humbuckers The Hyannis Sound The Idea of North Ignite Vocal The Illinois Rip Chords (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) InDEciSIon? Indiana University's Another Round (Indiana University) In Full Colour (University of Waterloo) The Innocent Men (University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire) InsideOut Inside Voices Integration by Parts In The Buff (University of Colorado) In The Pink (Oxford University) InToneNation (Montgomery Blair High School) The Inversions (Cedarville University) Invisible Men Invox The Irrationals Ithacappella (Ithaca College) Jabberwocks (Brown University) Jackson Jills (Tufts University) Jackson Millar Jackson Slimane Jazzchor Freiburg Jeff Flaster Jeffrey Derus Jerry Lawson & Talk of The Town Jersey Transit The Jewel Tones John K. Brown Johnnie Blend Joker's Wild Jordana Talsky Joshua Bredemeier Jukebox Logic June June Caravel Juxtaposition (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) Kalamazoo Barbershop Chorus & Quartets Kaskeset (Binghamton University, SUNY) KC A Cappella The Key Elements (Cornell University) KeyHarmony (University of Central Florida) KeyStone A Cappella KiCKSHAW Kingsmen (Columbia University) The Kinsey Sicks Kol Echad (Boston University) Kol Ish Kol Sasson (University of Maryland) Kühn Choir of Prague Ladies In Red (North Carolina State University) Lady Blue (Duke University) Lady Jaye Last Call (Cornell University) Legacy Liberty Voices License to Trill (Texas Christian University) Lilli Lewis The Limestones Limited Edition (Port Washington High School) Little Big Men Logarhythms (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Lone Star Sound The Loreleis (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Lorenzo Subrizi The Lost Keys Low Key (James Madison University) Lumen Valo Luminescence The Maccabeats MadHatters (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Madhatters & Tangled Up In Blue (University of Wisconsin - Madison) The Madison Project (James Madison University) Madrigaïa maennerquartett schnittpunktvokal & Kvartet Vita Maennerwirtschaft The Magic Touch The Magnets Main Squeeze (Syracuse University) Maize Mirchi (University of Michigan) Manginah (Brandeis University) ManSound Marcoux Corner Martin Carbow Mary Schmary Mass Transit (New York University) maxxcupid (University of Richmond) Maybe6ix Maybebop medlz Medusa (University of Chicago) Melica (Elizabethtown College) The Melismatics (Lehigh University) The Mello Divas (Berkeley Preparatory School) Melodious Thunk (Northwestern University) Men In Black Mezzo Macho MICappella Michigan Jake The Midnight Ramblers (University of Rochester) Mighty Echoes Mighty Prince Singers Mike Why Mile 21 a cappella (University of Colorado) Mind the Gap (University of Oregon) Minor Variation (Wake Forest University) MIT Muses (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) The MIT/Wellesley Toons (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) MIX (University of Colorado) Mixed Company (Stanford University) Mixed Company (Yale University) Moira Smiley A Moments Pleasure Moon Sessions Moosebutter Mosaic Whispers (Washington University in St. Louis) The Moscow State University Academic Choir m-pact Musae Musikanten muSix Naked Voices (University of California, Santa Barbara) Naturally 7 Naturally Sharp (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) Naughty Scotty and the Octapella & Take 7 Navi Redd Navona Records Neri Per Caso The New Blue (Yale University) The New Dominions (University of Virginia) The Newport Pearls (Christopher Newport University) New Recording 47 Nina Pelligra NINE N'Namdi Bryant (The A Cappellian) No Better Cause No Limit Nomadic None Of The Above (NOTA) (Pennsylvania State University) Nonsequitur (Columbia University) The Nor'easters (Northeastern University) Northern Lights (Durham University) The Northern Lights Northern Lights (Plymouth North High School) No Southern Accent (University of Florida) No Strings A Cappella No Strings Attached (Burbank High School) No Strings Attached (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) No Strings Attached Note-Oriety (James Madison University) Note to Self (Binghamton University) Not From Concentrate Nothin' but Treble (Georgia Institute of Technology) The Notochords (Virginia Commonwealth University) Not Too Sharp (University of New Hampshire) NOTUS Now & Then The Nylons Octappella The Octāves (University of Richmond) Octopodes (Johns Hopkins University) Off The Beat (University of Pennsylvania) Ois Voice Ommm ONAIR On a Sensual Note (American University) One Note Stand (University of Texas at Austin) Onoscatopoeia (University of Toronto) On Tap (Lehigh University) On The Rocks (University of Oregon) The O'Pears (Humber College) Opus Jam Orange Appeal (Syracuse University) The OrphanSporks (Rutgers University) Otto Tunes (Syracuse University) Out of the Blue (Duke University) Out of the Blue (Oxford University) Out of the Blue (Yale University) Out of the Dawg House (Butler University) Outspoken (Oregon State University) The Overtones (James Madison University) The Ozarks PandemoniUM (University of Maryland) The Pennchants (University of Pennsylvania) The Pennharmonics (Pennsylvania State University) Penn Masala (University of Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania Six-5000 (University of Pennsylvania) Penny Loafers (University of Pennsylvania) PennYo (University of Pennsylvania) Perły i Łotry (Pearls and Rascals) The Persuasions Peter Hollens Phalanx (Elizabethtown College) Pieces of 8 Pipeline Vocal Project Pitches & Notes (University of Wisconsin - Madison) The Pitchforks (Duke University) Pitch, Please (Temple University) Pitch, Please! A Cappella (University of California, Los Angeles) Plead the Fifth (Wake Forest University) Postyr The Potsdam Pitches Praise-Apella The Princeton Footnotes (Princeton University) The Princeton Singers The Princeton University Wildcats (Princeton University) ProjectJKB Pros & Cons Psalm 100 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Purple Haze (Northwestern University) Pust Q Quaker Notes (University of Pennsylvania) Quintense Quintessence Quintet Radius Rajaton Rak Shalom (University of Maryland) The Ramifications (Suffolk University) Random Association Random Chants Random Voices (University of California, Los Angeles) Ransom Notes (University of Chicago) The Ransom Notes (University of Texas at Austin) Ray Jozwiak Razzcals The Real Six.Pack Realtime Rebel Bit Rebirth 7 (None) Redefined (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Redline Regency Remedy (Argyle High School) Rescue Resonance (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Restless Retrocity Reverse Osmosis (University of Southern California) Rhythm & Blue (Duke University) The Rhythm Method (Binghamton University, SUNY) The Rice Philharmonics Richard Steighner Riltons vänner Rock4 Rock N' Rhythm Root7 'Round Midnight The Royal 8 Run for Cover (University of Chicago) The Rusty Pipes (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Sanchit Malhotra Sapphires (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) S#arp Attitude (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Saturday Evening Post Quartet Scape Effect ScatterTones (University of California, Los Angeles) Schrödinger's Cat Scollay Square Quartet The Scopes (Imperial College London) Scott & Ryceejo SeaNote Sebastian Durfee Semi-Toned (University of Exeter) S-Factor (Tufts University) The Shabbatones (University of Pennsylvania) Shades (Yale University) Shades of Blue A Cappella (Bradley High School) ShadowVox The Shaggy Boys (Iowa State University) Shigeru Umebayashi Shir Appeal (Tufts University) Shircago ShireiNU (Northwestern University) ShockWave (Rutgers University) Signature A Cappella (University of California, Los Angeles) The Sil'hooettes (University of Virginia) Similar Jones The Simmons Sirens (Simmons University) Simply Put The Sirens (University of Richmond) The Sirens (University of Southern California) The Sirens Six13 Six Appeal Sixth Wave SKETY Skyline Blues SLIXS Smithereens (Smith College) SMU Voix (Singapore Management University) SoCal VoCals (University of Southern California) The Society of Orpheus and Bacchus (Yale University) The Sons of Pitches Sons of the Day SOS Sönghópurinn Sólarmegin Sound Off A Cappella Sounds of Pleasure (University of Pittsburgh) SoundStage South Creek Revival SoVoSó Speak of the Devil (Duke University) spiralmouth Spirit Spur of the Moment (Brandeis University) Stanford Counterpoint (Stanford University) The Stanford Mendicants (Stanford University) Stanford Raagapella (Stanford University) Starving Artists (Brandeis University) The Statesmen (Pennsylvania State University) Staticflow The Stereotypes (Washington University in St. Louis) Stiletta Stimmgewalt Stony Brook High C's Straight No Chaser Strange Voices Street Corner Symphony STREETNiX Stuck In the Middle (SIM) (Middlebury College) Suade Sulthan Ahmed Sunday Afternoon SURE Singers Swaram A Cappella (Texas A&M University) Sweet Honey in the Rock Sweet Signatures (Elon University) The Swingle Singers Sympathetic Vibrations (Georgia Institute of Technology) Take 6 Take 7 (Winter Park High School) TakeNote (Clemson University) Take Note Acapella Talisman (Stanford University) Talk To The Hand Tangled Up In Blue (University of Wisconsin - Madison) Tar Heel Voices (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) The Tarpeggios (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Tat Tong The Techtonics (Imperial College London) Terpsichore (Boston University) Terry Blade Testimony (Stanford University) THEM (Tulane University) Three 5 and 6 Three Men and a Tenor Tigeroar (Clemson University) The Tigertones (Princeton University) Tino Spieß Vocal Producktions Tizmoret (Queens College) T Minus 5 The Toccatatones (High Point University) Tombstone Wasteland The Tone Rangers Tone Up (University of Edinburgh) Tonic Sol-Fa The Touchtones (Cornell University) Town Criers Towson Untitled (Towson University) Track IX Transit Trebellious (University of Rochester) Treblemakers (Northwestern University) Treblemakers (University of Maryland) TR Griffin Troy State University Stallmen (Troy University) Troy Tones (University of Southern California) Tufts Anchord (Tufts University) Tufts sQ! (Tufts University) The Tupelos (Wellesley College) Tuuletar Tuxedo Junction Twisted Measure (Elon University) UGA Noteworthy (University of Georgia) The Unaccompanied Minors (University of Waterloo) Unaccompanied Women (University of Chicago) The UNCG Spartones (University of North Carolina at Greensboro) Underground Sound (University of Puget Sound) Undertone The Undertones (Northwestern University) Unduzo UNIQUE Acappella Vocal Ensemble Unsung Heroes Upper Room A Cappella (Spring Hill College) Upper Structure (Berklee College of Music) Up the Octave (Brandeis University) Uptown Vocal (Columbia University) UR2KAM Urban Voices Ursa Minors (Brown University) The UVM Top Cats The Vanderbilt Melodores (Vanderbilt University) Various Artists The Vassar Devils (Vassar College) The Virginia Belles (University of Virginia) The Virginia Gentlemen (University of Virginia) Viridescent (University of Vermont) Vital Signs (Elon University) Vocado The Vocaholics (New York University) Vocal Accent (Rochester Institute of Technology) Vocal Brand Vocal Chaos vocaldente Vocal Group SONO Vocalia Vocalign (Elizabethtown College) Vocality Vocal Point (Brigham Young University) Vocal Point (University of Delaware) Vocal Point (University of Rochester) Vocal Six The Vocal Suspects (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Vocollision (New York University) Voicebox (University of Central Florida) Voicebox VoiceBox VoiceLine (Utah Valley University) VoiceMale (Brandeis University) Voice Male Voice Of Praise Voices (Moses Brown School) Voices in Your Head (University of Chicago) Voices of Gotham Voices Only Voices On The Dark Side Voice Trek Vokalt Selskap Vote For Pedro Vox 11 VOXID Vox One Vox Pop The Water Boys (University of Waterloo) Watershed Western Wind Vocal Ensemble West Side 5 Who's Your Daddy! WHS Octets (Winchester High School) Wibi (York University) The Wicked Pitches The Williams Ephlats (Williams College) Wolfgang (North Carolina State University) X-Changed (David Lipscomb University) X-Factors (Northwestern University) XIV Hours (Durham Academy) Xtension Chords (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The Yale Spizzwinks(?) (Yale University) The YChromes (University of Delaware) YellowJackets (University of Rochester) Y-Studs A Cappella Yumiko Matsuoka Zulal Armenian A Cappella Trio The Zumbyes zwo3wir
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