Review By Catherine Lewis
May 19, 2016

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The last thing we heard from Cedarville University's The Inversions was the religious song Who Would Have Dreamed, which captured the holiday spirit beautifully with its stunning beauty.
The coed group is back with a cover of Twenty One Pilots' Tear In My Heart, and the performance and arrangement aren't quite as compelling. The first soloist (likely Josh Chase) has a great voice for this song and really carries the energy here. But the arrangement and the group's performance just don't mesh. The extended, sustained notes in the backs never really go anywhere, and the repetitive "da-da-da" lines do have some dynamics (thankfully!) but overall just sound jarring, as though the singers are reading notes off the page rather than making music as a cohesive group.
The surprise in this song is the bridge (the "you fell asleep in my car" section). It's a goofy, throw-away part of the original song, but The Inversions handle it beautifully here, with the right lighthearted approach and some sweet harmonies. Maybe the laid-back energy gave the group permission to lighten up the intensity, and in so doing, the singers could just relax and have fun with it. Whatever happened, I hope The Inversions can find that same refreshing magic in their future recordings.