Review By Sean P. Gorecki
August 23, 2016

Ordering Information
The Horizon Is Ours streams for free on the group's SoundCloud page.

The Horizon Is Ours, the new single by Underground Sound, has quite a bit going for it. The arrangement is incredibly emotive, utilizing a simple elegance to draw the listener in. All the vocals, from backgrounds to leads, are expressive without becoming overbearing. The quality of the recording is clean and natural. On top of everything else, it’s just a beautiful song with a touching theme.
There are some flaws, too. For one, the soloists, while fantastic in and of themselves, are not an ideal fit together. The vocal placements are nearly completely opposite from one another: one has a controlled belt, while the other has a beautiful soft tone. The problem is, they sound like they are from two different recordings — one intended to meld seamlessly with the background singers, and one providing a pleasant contrast — and together, it sounds off. Another issue is the volume and amount of vocal percussion in the mix. When I hear songs like this, meant to inspire, I want the drums to help my pulse quicken, giving me a sense of forward momentum. In The Horizon Is Ours, however, the drums are just too minimal and quiet to give me any catharsis.
I really enjoy The Horizon Is Ours for all the great points it has, and I hope that future recordings by Underground Sound will take this standard and raise it up a notch.