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Towson Untitled

Towson University

SPECULATE - Single (2021)


Review By Kyle Yampiro

April 2, 2021

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Kyle Yampiro

Towson Untitled's SPECULATE is a well-produced track that's both rhythmically and sonically interesting, but lacks unity between soloist and background.

Energy abounds from the running words "I'm not gonna," taken directly from the original. The panning from Cut Off Studios, who performed the mixing, editing, and production, is adept. Because of the strong balance work, all recorded parts are represented well in the digital room. The arrangement by Mathew Price with Cut Off Studios' clean filters and studio magic complement each other. Vocal percussion is a driving force here and propels the song forward. Sure looks like a lot of positive reinforcement, so where's the disconnect?

SPECULATE is an example of a treble singer performing a tenor's song and, because of the registral requirements for both voices, some intensity is naturally lost from the treble singer's rendition because it sits in a more comfortable vocal range. There is no reach, a lessened sense of urgency, and diminished dynamic contrast in a song that already doesn't feature much range. There is also a chord tone from the original that is ommitted here that would add a great deal of harmonic interest to either augment the soloist or background voices. Because of these points, the backgrounds are not fully justified in their intensity from a uniformity standpoint.

That said, SPECULATE is a highly-consonant and well-executed track teeming with background power and eerie indie folk/pop energy, and I suggest you give it a listen for its high production value.


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