Fire Rides - Single (2017)
Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
March 16, 2018

Ordering Information
Fire Rides also streams on Spotify.

Reigning NY Harmony Sweepstakes champ CONNECT explodes with ferocity in Fire Rides.
Though the group’s timeline together only recently passed the 5-year mark, CONNECT is wildly engaged with regional and national competitions, plus festivals, gigs, coaching sessions, and yes, recordings, with a smattering of singles and original music in the group's library. The clear ambitions of these nine singers has certainly paid off with Fire Rides, an unabashed jam built on aggressive accents, huge chorus swells, and agenda-filled angry lyrics from its lead.
CONNECT can move up a level by perfecting the details of each release. In Fire Rides, the intro feels like its working to stabilize as the singers start entering — this is a song that calls for ongoing laser-sharp-precision-angst to set the right mood and feel. The lead line and main vp drop instantly tightens the piece, but the solo has to move into the upper stratosphere, leaving the soloist little choice but to scream out her top notes; mostly effective as a statement, but sometimes more harsh than powerful to listen to. The abrupt ending in this arrangement is also startling for a song that takes a while to develop at the forefront.
This is a group ready to grow well beyond Conneticut and the east coast. Let's hope these voices stay together.