Weight in Gold - Single (2018)
Review By Catherine Lewis
April 27, 2018

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CONNECT's single Weight in Gold is impeccably-recorded and flawlessly-performed. This is obviously a group with vocal precision and discipline, and this recording is smooth and easy to listen to.
But the group has made some unusual choices in its interpretation of this Gallant song that don't connect with me. First, the performance and recording are super bright: it took me quite a few listens through to remember that this is a song about a crumbling relationship. Second, the group switches from a male to a female soloist partway through the song, and rather than adding a dialogue feel, it makes the song seem disjointed. Also, the emotional weight of the lyrics never completely connects — it comes close on the first chorus, but that momentum is lost after the soloist switch.
There are some seriously impressive vocal runs and trills in this song, but repeat listens makes Weight in Gold seem like it's all flash and no substance, which is disappointing from a group that has such clear talent.