South Creek Revival
The Feeling - Single (2021)
Review By Kyle Yampiro
September 23, 2021

Ordering Information
The Feeling streams on these platforms.

Buffalo's South Creek Revival takes on the difficult task of covering a soulful, jazzy, contemporary pop rock group in Sammy Rae & The Friends. While the soloist is a bona fide soundalike in timbre and vowel formation, the arrangement doesn't do much to augment the original, and the track is rife with balance issues.
In their early music, Sammy Rae & The Friends featured tight treble background harmonies to support a flexible soloist with unique vowels. As an a cappella group, South Creek Revival sets itself up to tackle those facets with aplomb in The Feeling, and it is no small compliment to be called a soundalike of Sammy Rae. The trouble comes in setting the groove; the moment percussion is added to this track, it becomes nothing short of overwhelming and, in turn, distracting from all else. There is a tinny, canned feeling to the song that, in its original style, needs to feel stream-of-consciousness and flow in order to make sense, and this rendition does not endeavor to stray from that style.
Between timbre, intensity, and balance, the rhythm section does not succeed in its execution — and because of these significant studio shortcomings, the entire cover unfortunately suffers.