Review By TeKay
December 23, 2021

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It is hard to really review and critique the performance of the national anthem of another country without feeling a bit jingoistic about the whole endeavor, that whole "ours sounds better than yours" deal. But then you get a performance like this one by Roseanne and you realize that everything is pretty much fair game when it comes to dissecting and discussing music. That's a long-winded way of saying that Rebirth 7's performance of God Bless Our Homeland, the national anthem of Ghana, is sort of "meh" but it isn't bad in any way. It's not the greatest piece of music to begin with, but they do a pretty excellent job of performing it.
I had a bad visceral reaction listening to the opening of the recording, which is unfortunate for me but is no fault of the performers. Having lived in neighboring Togo for a summer under a dictatorship and the colonial abuse at the border, I'm a bit rankled by any sort of military/crowd cheering. 'Tis sad because the track opens with an appropriate soundbyte from Kwame Nkrumah's freedom speech made on March 6, 1957: "At long last, the battle has ended! And thus Ghana, your beloved country is free forever." What better way to start the track and to tug at the heartstrings right off the bat?
The track is well sung, with a bright and buzzy production quality to the vocals. Like many of the groups coming from the Motherland, it sounds just like you would imagine early Take 6 would. Yep, nothing else to say about that.
If you like listening to or experiencing patriotic music from around the world, Rebirth 7's God Bless Our Homeland is an innocuous one that you can add to your collection.