Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
December 21, 2022

Ordering Information
The Second I'm Rich streams on Spotify.

The main message of this song is as follows: "The second I'm rich I'm gonna do a bunch of crazy shit." The Unaccompanied Minors definitely add some crazy to this track, mostly through the slick popping percussion and glorious group energy. This is a dance-it-out-to-feel-better song.
Unfortunately, muddy production keeps this release from being a radio-ready jam. We can hear all the parts as the balance is alright, but the mixing isn't as sharp and clear as it should be. Too bad because this is a strong arrangement that should get proper highlights in a studio. Arrangers Sarah Cleghorn, Zack Yew, and Eric Pye weave together a terrific groove with intricate part lines and good use of unison singing. It's strong and showy, but never cluttered, and with lead James Tordecilla's playful flourishes, never dull. The source material suits the Unaccompanied Minors like tailored gloves.
Hopefully, we can get all parts of this operation synched up soon because The Unaccompanied Minors have a lot to offer.