Inside Voices
Bad Romance - Single (2024)
Review By Dan Fister
December 21, 2024

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I can still remember the first time I heard the song Bad Romance: I was driving to a gig for my high school a cappella group, someone grabbed the aux cord to play the latest Lady Gaga song, and I was captivated, practically vibrating in my seat. I also remember the first time I heard the University of Oregon's On the Rocks version: someone had sent me the link to theĀ viral music video. I was fascinated by the commitment to the original aesthetic of this avant-garde, queer diva's song by a normally straight-male-presenting a cappella group, and sung at pitch no less. It becameĀ the definitive take on the song for me, the cover which all others would be judged against.
Until now.
The new semi-pro group Inside Voices devours this song, chews it up, and spits out straight fire. I don't want to spoil the track too much, but a few of my favorite moments: the dissonance at the end of the intro, substituting the first pre-chorus for the bridge material sung to chorus lyrics, splitting the solo between a pair of incredible treble and tenor vocalists, the Billie Eilish-esque speaking/whispering section preceding the second chorus, and the subtle electronic filters on the upper background parts during the bridge.
I am extremely impressed by how fresh this arrangement by Tyler Shadle sounds, even without dramatic reharmonizations or tempo/genre reinterpretations, but instead using more subtle techniques and really, really good singing. You can tell this is an in-house arranger writing specifically for the voices of this ensemble. The group's blend is sumptuous and always balanced to bring out the small alto melismas or baritone swells that should be heard (not an easy feat on such an intricate chart!).
Rarely have I been this excited by a semi-pro or professional group's debut single. If you haven't already listened to this track ten times on your platform of choice, do so immediately. I eagerly await the group's sophomore single or debut album.