The Current
I'll Be Waiting - Single (2014)
Review By TeKay
April 24, 2014

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The first thing you'll notice about The Current's single I'll Be Waiting is that true to the group's name, this track pulses with energy that is palpable. Right from the beginning, the backing rhythm grooves and the drums propel without being overwhelming — even the cymbals crackle with electricity continuously. And it continues to build through much of the song to the final climactic "Bow!" Plus, the trio at the end is simply fantastic.
Also, soloist Nicole Sorice just shreds it — just kills it from the first note to the last that she utters.
The next thing you'll notice is that this track is somewhat old-school and extremely collegiate. This in and of itself isn't all that bad, but with such an arrangement and the naturalistic production techniques, I'll Be Waiting doesn't place the group at the forefront of current a cappella-ness. The "shmm-dah-dmm-dmm-doh-din-din"s make this sound like Off the Beat circa 1998. Also, the inner voices are too busy and prominent — trying to overpower Sorice but failing miserably. The tenor line is especially egregious (and being a tenor, this line in particluar jumped out and said LISTEN TO ME!). Regarding the production, I'm not sure if it's the mix or the number of guys on the part, but the bass is almost non-existent. I tried different headphones and several settings and the support just isn't as solid of a foundation as it should be.
The Current is a great group with an awesome sound; a simple paring down of the arrangements and amping up of the production vaules will be all the spark they need.