Too Close for Comfort - Single (2014)
Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
August 15, 2014

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Six mega-talented guys from five different countries (!) putting their sweet jazzy spin on a '50s chart. Oh what treasures technology affords us now.
Enjoy the group's YouTube channel, where you can hear and watch Too Close for Comfort and judge their chops for yourself. What a wildly detailed arrangement. This single is as creamy and luscious as vocal jazz comes, with a blend so tight it'll cleanly slice your speakers into perfect halves. Small vocal jazz groups usually take a lot of liberties with blend — and they must since every member is by default a soloist — but these guys are like brothers across the seas and borders.
All is perfect in their new unified land until a Korg keyboard is dropped into the middle of their song. I'm not one of those a cappella people who can't handle this, and the keyboard is certainly more appropriate here to add color and interest than in other a cappella genres. It's also quite good technically, but it's just too darned loud and on top of the mix. When the plugged-in instrument is smothering an unplugged bass-god the likes of Evan Sanders, it's stressful. I think that bridge was actually the perfect spot for a bass solo, no?
Yet, I have no doubt that grander things are in store for Accent. This is a slick group you'll want to keep tabs on.