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Astha A Cappella

Saint Louis University

Pani Da Rang/Sleepyhead - Single (2014)


Review By Catherine Lewis

February 18, 2015

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Catherine Lewis

Astha A Cappella is a coed fusion group at St. Louis University, named after the Hindi word for "faith". The group was formed in 2006 and is currently recording its debut album; Pani Da Rang/Sleepyhead is the group's first single release.

The single is a good first start, and to the group's credit, it took me several listens before the Sleepyhead portion of the mash-up really stood out to me. That's actually a compliment: the group doesn't hide the Passion Pit melody at all, but it fuses so well with Pani Da Rang (a 2012 Bollywood song) that the English lyrics and melody don't stick out in the recording.

Being a fusion group is not as inherently unique as it once was, and there's nothing truly groundbreaking on Pani Da Rang/Sleepyhead. But as Astha A Cappella's first foray into the recording studio, the track offers a nice introduction to these singers. It's a promising start, and I hope that Astha A Cappella has some true "wow" moments to come.


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