As a Mix
Writing's on the Wall - Single (2016)
Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
April 15, 2016

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The newly formed duo As a Mix features baritone Lorenzo Subrizi and tenor Guido Giordana from Italy's much-enjoyed Domino vocal group. With both men singing and Subrizi arranging the Sam Smith hit, Writing's on the Wall has an intimate elegance that should charm most listeners, with an Unplugged at the Pub vibe. The air of intrigue the production creates is enticing too, and certainly befitting of 007 himself.
While it's a pleasant and warm offering, the arrangement doesn't create enough in the way of sonic levels or contrasts, giving the piece an exposition feel. There's a section with some noticeable accents, but this cinematic work is an open book for creating fresh interpretations; As a mix offers a restrained presentation, with gentle disonances, a slow tempo, and largely legato background passes and phrasing. While these arrangement choices would be a breath of fresh air nestled into a full-length album, this release is a harder sell as a standalone single. The beautiful vocal pairing of Subrizi and Giordana is the interest point here; their individual timbres and combined emotions are a fine match.
Following other a cappella solo artists and micro-bands into the wilds of multi-tracking split-screen cinematography for YouTube and social media audiences, you can also listen and watch this pair perform Writing's on the Wall here.