The Ozarks
Love Not Loving You - Single (2021)
Review By Kyle Yampiro
December 31, 2021

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High school super-group The Ozarks out of Southwest Missouri delivers a fun, yet straightforward rendition of Foxes' Love Not Loving You.
Taking a song and arranging it for voices gives a large palette for colors, textures, and choices. Arranging, on the whole, affords musicians an opportunity to take source material and tastefully change it to create something new. And yet, as we see every holiday season, many artists will choose to nearly carbon copy entire interpretations of songs or covers with slight or no variation. From high school to college and beyond, in albums, home shows, or competitions, the community commonly sees transcriptive arrangements. While perfectly serviceable, these do little to push the needle or answer the question "why did the group choose to cover this?" Some songs simply sound better or more exciting comprised of voices, while others suffer without additional tweaking.
In the case of The Ozarks' Love Not Loving You, this arrangement does not attempt to reinvent the wheel, and that's okay: the song itself is so obscure and effusively entertaining that simply applying voices in an arrangement executed with high-energy studio singers serves the whole well. There are tasteful elements of flair sprinkled in, such as the slow beats in the bridge, which enhance the overall adaptation into the a cappella medium. In general, this is a rhythm-dominant dance tune presented as such. There is a slight balance issue with the background vocals in the refrain, cutting high frequencies that cause it to read less effectively and punchy than Foxes' original.
Short of small squabbles, The Ozarks come away with a win here, anchored by a solid arrangement that both captures the essence of the song and adapts it well to a cappella.