Rebel Bit
Just a Christmas Wish - Single (2019)
Review By Sean P. Gorecki
December 19, 2019

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Rebel Bit is an Italian quartet that strives to make its music impactful through innovative arranging and imaginative storytelling. This original is no exception. Just a Christmas Wish, written by Lorenzo Subrizi, is deceptive in its simplicity. This is a quiet song, with simple lyrics that carry quite a bit of weight. There are a few lines that just fill space, such as, "There is something that you can do", but the heart of this song is much greater than the sum of its parts.
The production feels a little too perfect upon first listen, especially when the rhythm begins. But I took the time to find live performances from Rebel Bit and realized that while the studio absolutely cleans things up, this group offers a master class of precision and blend, while letting arranging choices and subtle emotions do all the work.
I wouldn’t call Just a Christmas Wish an instant classic, but I feel enriched after hearing this piece.