Review By Daniel G. Westbrook
June 7, 2016

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What an incredible build. The Vassar Devils shape and create something beautiful in I Will Wait, slowly splitting out from a homophonic texture into an intricately-woven tapestry. The composition is sweet and alluring, with the dynamic ebb and flow emphasizing exceptionally-written poetry beneath. The processing is kept to minimum, allowing the on-point tuning to sell itself, as well as letting the individual lines casually take their time in the spotlight. The soprano on the penultimate lyrics ("The oceans burn, the sky is open") is captivating on her rising line; it's the intention painted perfectly on the metaphor that gives it chill-inducing weight. The arranging itself doesn't carry a great deal of frill, but that's fine with me — simplicity is what sells this single. If I have any qualms, it's that I think the simplicity lends itself to go even softer at parts, perhaps incorporating sotto voce to emphasize lyrical moments throughout.
All in all, hats off to composer (and Assistant Music Director) Hannah Tobias for this gem. I look forward to hearing the rest of your original works.