The Trooper - Single (2016)
Review By Sean P. Gorecki
January 23, 2017

Ordering Information
The Trooper also streams on Spotify.

MICappella has set a high bar for excellence from the beginning. The group's new single, The Trooper, is no exception. The frantic rock energy of this Iron Maiden tune is pristine and polished, channeling the same power as such greats as Aerosmith and Muse. There is even a vocal guitar solo that is completely legit. The production couldn't be tighter. An argument could be made for turning up the solo in the mix, but I can easily hear every word, and having the solo more in the body of the soundscape serves to enhance the rock effect.
The only glitch with The Trooper is in the arrangement. As stated, this is a fantastic rock song. However, it's not as fulfilling as an a cappella song. The interesting bits of the arrangement come out during the vocal guitar solo and the outro. But the meat of the song, the verses and choruses, are extremely repetitive with lots of space between lyrical phrases to hear more of the same. It's incredibly well-done, but the interest as an a cappella song just isn't as strong as the interest as a rock song. That said, The Trooper pulls the listener into a fully immersive world of rock excellence, so it's hard to find fault in these choices. Either way you slice it, this is a great track to add to anyone’s playlist.