Fermata Town
Twentysomething - Single (2013)
Review By TeKay
January 15, 2014

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The CARA-winning Contemporary A Cappella League group Fermata Town is working on some fantastic songs for the new year, as evidenced by its latest release, Twentysomething. If you like your jazz swinging and filled with a bit of the ennui of the titular age group, then this track is definitely for you.
Since bursting on the recording scene two years ago with its debut disc, Fermata Town has defined a signature sound that is lush and energetic, creative and controlled. Twentysomething sits in these singers' wheelhouse as if it were written for them. And in a way it was: the arrangement is crafted in a manner that makes the song distinctly FT, including localized lyrics while paying homage to Jamie Cullum's original.
Unusually, a change in the arrangement irked me a bit. I was lulled into a sense of familiarity with the opening strains of the track, ready to settle into a glorious re-creation of one of my favorite performers. And then, after the first verse all hell breaks loose and the song no longer resembles what Jamie sang. I cried and then I realized the brilliance of what Fermata Town had done and rejoiced. Kudos.