Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
May 17, 2019

Ordering Information
Lost in Japan also streams on Spotify.

Lost In Japan is exactly the kind of single any group would be happy to release: this music is clean, catchy, and fun. If you're pulling together your summer 2019 playlist, go ahead and add this one from The Pitchforks.
Lead Shams Elbardissy has swagger and skill, and the backs are plenty musical; in this release, the difference between "good" and "excellent" is in the arrangement. It gets the job done — the playful syncopated background passages are particularly full and vibrant — but a few lackluster choruses and too much predictability keep the piece from kicking up the party another notch. The bridge to the end, however, is crafted with real joy, nuance, and just awesome construction from both the group and the deft production work from Dave Sperandio. Don't tell the young Mr. Mendes, but Sperandio's take is much more popped and present, making this particular rendition more likeable to my ears. It really is a fine adaptation for The Pitchforks.
RARB recently reviewed a 2-3-4 split from The Pitchforks with Fall Asleep at Sunset. I don't think this release would have the same outcome. An appealing standalone from The Pitchforks, go find Lost In Japan - and be happy you did.