Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
October 16, 2013

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Goth rock opera a cappella from a CCR cover. Which creative wonder will we hear next, eh?
The talented and powerful unite: Chris Rishel + Bill Hare + Avi Kaplan, and ain't no one complaining. Creating the perfect soundtrack for Halloween, Voices in Your Head sets Bad Moon Rising against a stormy night soundscape with a surprise visit from Satan's choir. It's all really flipping cool.
Though, here's a necessary bulletin. It's easy to love a cappella theatre, but when it's all as machine-constructed as this track — sans steady natural dynamics plus a lot of artificial full-tilt-scream-blending in the block — the best listen is the first listen. Then it's just studying effects, not embracing the path of the musicians. As reinforced by my score, the final output is excellent, but it's still an output and far less about the singers' musical journey. All except for the lead: Tyler Neenan's angst-filled, trembling-with-atmosphere voice is the decidedly human star of this late night stage show.
So, come for the tricks, and stay on top of everything Voices in Your Head does, because for the past few years ... man alive! There may be a bad moon, but you won't find any bad notes.