Review By TeKay
February 8, 2019

Ordering Information
Sing for Myself streams on Spotify.

You never know when happiness will find its way to you with utter simplicity. Hearing a song that is so effective in its honesty that you can't help but have a smile on your face, resplendent with a joy that takes a heavy burden off your soul: such is the case with the latest single by University of Chicago's Voices in Your Head, Sing for Myself. The song snuck up on me like a whisper and provided a soothing salve to a rough patch of time.
This orginal song by members Will Cabaniss and Ire Olagbami may not have the same emotional effect on you, but it's still worth a solid listen or fifteen. At just over two minutes long, the track does what it has to do and then floats away effortlessly. From a technical standpoint, Cabaniss's arrangement echoes earlier work by alumus Chris Rishel on his outstanding Burn. The production shimmers. There is an electronic effect in the background during the intro that sounds like what one would imagine a field of fireflies does on a fall eve. It leads into the choral nature of the rest of the track that is just the right setting for this ode to pull oneself up and out of the mire through the sheer power of music and singing. Soloist Ted Bourget is angelic in delivery with a crystalline voice that makes you hold your breath until the last note. Musically, the song builds as one long crescendo into a satisfying denouement — even the V chord near the end makes me take notice.
This is the simplest song I've ever assessed a "5", and it deserves every point.