Review By Kimberly Raschka Sailor
December 31, 2019

Ordering Information
Stream or purchase Sandcastles on all major platforms here.

The Opportunes show us their intimate side through Beyoncé’s melancholy ballad, Sandcastles.
When critiquing full albums, RARB reviewers usually mull over programming choices: why did the group record that song and put it there? Less of the why is relevant in standalone singles, but I do wonder if the Opportunes had serious discussions about laying down a track that is this devastatingly sad. Sandcastles sure isn't infectious Crazy In Love or sassy Single Ladies. Will we keep coming back for repeat listens if it makes us want to cocoon up on the couch?
I think so. Between the sturdy, firmly planted gospel-esque lead by richly talented Maribelle Dickins, pristine production, and a percussion-less but rhythmically focused arrangement by Lily Jacobs and Hirsh Sisodia, there’s a lot of beautiful warmth to envelope us despite the darkness. And this is precisely why so many people turn to music: for healing in the darkness.
The Opportunes have been quite productive on the recording front over the past decade. See how Sandcastles resonates with you.